Since the launch of the My Maps tab in April of this year, people have created over 7 million maps to share their places of interest. However, viewers of these maps haven't been able to connect with the map creators. You may have wanted to send some feedback or praise for a map, but didn't have a place to get in touch with the author. That's why today we've launched a special page for every user-created map where you can leave comments and star ratings. You'll also find a top links section that shows which websites and blogs are referring traffic to the map. If you're curious about where your map's huge number of views have been coming from, just check out your referrals.

To get to the new comments page, just click on the new ratings and comments links on the My Maps pages (outlined in red below).

You'll reach a page that looks like the one below. To leave some comments for the folks at KPBS who created this San Diego wildfire map, go here.

You can also use comments to communicate with your collaborators on an editable map. For example, this recently-created European Travel Tips map is set to Open Collaboration, meaning anyone can edit it. If you wanted to discuss the best way to organize the map or just talk about European travel in general, the comments section would be a great place to do it.

Happy mapping!