Today our esteemed team of physicists from Google are proud to announce that they have discovered an extra dimension in our universe. And like other groundbreaking discoveries of black holes, superheroes and space ships, this one was also made by using Street View on Google Maps.

The team hard at work performing theoretical physics in their lab, located in an undisclosed location

This extra dimension can only be seen by using the cutting-edge red-cyan glasses shown below. Thanks to modern technology and remarkable advances in manufacturing, such state-of-the-art equipment is now available online for under a dollar.

If you wear these glasses, you can go to Google Maps, and enter your favorite spot in Street View. Pegman will serve as your guide to the secret dimension - start by clicking this icon shown on the left of the screen:

and the new dimension will pop out right in front of your (technologically-augmented) eyes:

This is completely new research on an unchartered topic, so we would like to offer one word of caution: please beware of birds.