Google Lunar X PRIZE celebrates its 1st birthday
September 19, 2008
It's hard to believe but we've turned one year old! It's been an incredible year for the Google Lunar X PRIZE. Since our launch in September 2007, we've been joined by an amazing array of visionary teams from around the world in pursuit of a common goal: to return to the moon. Haven't had a chance to meet the teams yet? Well, you're in luck, because you can check them out via our cool new KML. You'll get to know the competitors and preferred partners, get a sense of their motivations, be able to check out some conceptual images, and even see some video of the teams in action!
Curious about competition details? Want to get involved in our ongoing forum discussions? Then wander through our site,, and let us know what you think. And if that isn't enough, check out our fabulous new YouTube channel at (trust me, you won't want to miss some of those videos!)
Its been a great honor to work with such a dynamic cast, and I can't wait to see how the next year unfolds. On behalf of the entire crew, I ask you to join us in a toast: "Happy Birthday to the Google Lunar X PRIZE, and onwards to the moon!"