Think globally, mark locally
November 19, 2007

The last time I threw a party, I used the My Maps feature of Google Maps to tell my friends exactly how to find my house. But if they'd just searched Maps on their own for my address and had gone to the marker location, they would have been partying in the middle of the street!
Now for your next party (or any other occasion), you can move the marker for your address to show the exact entrance of your house. Just search for your address, click "Edit," click "Move Marker," and drag the marker to your front door.
Of course, we couldn't limit ourselves to just addresses — businesses can be hard to find too. Take your favorite restaurant, for example. Now you can find it on Google Maps and move the marker to its front door. You might just save someone's date with this information! Fixing markers can be downright addictive. I've spent hours using Street View to locate businesses and houses, and then moving their markers.
You might be worried about people monkeying with markers. Fear not, we've thought of that. Whenever you find a recently-moved address or business, you'll see a "Show original" link you can click to see where the marker was originally. If it's in the wrong place, just move it to the right one.
Move a marker, and make your virtual neighborhood a better place -- that is, in the U.S., Australia and New Zealand, where it works right now. You'll need a Google Account to join the fun. And I should also tell you that's not actually my house.